A Letter to Future Me – 7 to 17

May 27, 2024

During primary school in 1997, we were asked as a class to write down our hopes for the future and what we’d like to achieve in life. I would’ve been 7 years old at the time and my obsession was completely on the James Bond franchise so you can imagine what sort of mad illiterate shit I was going to expect from my older self by the time I was only SEVENTEEN…

I recall not really having a fucking clue what to write, so I kept it pretty brief and to the point. When I was done, I was told to write on the back to not open until 2007:

Well, I stuck to the promise I made myself and opened it up when I was around 17.

This is what I wrote:

Let me translate this little goblin’s text:

I hope that I become A agent and I pay the morgage off and I hope I win the Lottery and get a good car and meet James Bond and travel to America Again and Get a Big house and thats it.

PS meet micheal owen

Simon (Goblin form) age 7

… Yeah.

So, how did I do? (The below won’t look good on mobile devices FYI)


Age 7 Goal Age 17 Response Age 34 (Present) Response
Become a secret agent I’m fat with bad vision. I can confirm by age 17 I was not a secret agent nor could I ever find any ads for secret agents. Weird. Sorry little me, ain’t happening. ❌
Get a big house and pay off the mortgage WTF!? I’m 17! Imagine owning a house and paying it off at 17, Jesus Christ. I guess much later on I did technically pay the mortgage off once when I sold a house, but I know I meant living without any property bills in a massive mansion… so NOPE. ❌❌
Win the lottery 🙁 🙁 ❌
Get a good car Hopefully someday I’ll be able to drive! Poor little me, I had such aspirations of driving, yet my eyes are way too shit to even read number plates from 21m. ❌
Meet James Bond I really don’t care about that stuff anymore, James Bond got bad after Pierce Brosnan. It took me years to watch Casino Royale and all of Daniel Craig’s movies, and I wish I watched them sooner, they’re badass. But no, I never got to meet Pierce Brosnan sadly. ❌
Travel to America again Dude, I’m spending my days and nights drinking full fat coke and gobbling pizzas until 4am watching WWE. Leave me alone. I’ve been fortunate enough to go to America a couple of times in both 2010 and 2018 with the plan to go to Hawaii sometime in the near future! ✅
Meet Michael Owen Football sucks ass, don’t care anymore. I had a SUPER brief phase in my younger life where I loved Liverpool’s Robbie Fowler and Michael Owen for some reason LOL I honestly hate football. It was probably because of the stickers + N64 Fifa 98 game. But yeah, I think football is pretty boring honestly.❌

What a let down 😜.

A big part of me wants to try and achieve these goals for my inner child, but at the same time, winning the lottery is almost certainly not going to happen 😂, so I think this is a done cause.

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