🍕 Pizza Recipe

You found an Easter Egg 🪺!


  • 500g 00 Flour
  • 50ml Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 150g Mozzarella (Low moisture)
  • Parmesan Cheese
  • 7g easy bake Yeast
  • 1 teaspoon Sugar
  • 2 teaspoons Salt
  • 300ml Water
  • Tinned Tomatoes
  • Tomato Purée
  • Ground Pepper
  • Garlic Granules
  • Onion Granules
  • Italian Herbs / Seasoning
  • Insert your toppings here! 🙂


  1. Mix your dry ingredients (Flour (500g), Yeast (7g), Sugar (1 tsp) and Salt (2 tsp)) together in a big bowl.
  2. Fill a measuring jug with 300ml of warm water then add 50ml of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
  3. Make a small well in the dry ingredients mix and pour the Water/Oil mix in and stir until everything begins to clump.
  4. Once the ingredients start to clump, use your hands to mix things. You’ll notice it will be very wet to begin with but after around a minute or so it should become easier to manage.
  5. Once the dough is somewhat solid, begin to knead it on a counter. Do this for a minimum of 10 minutes, ideally 15.
  6. After you’re finished kneading, form the dough into a sphere. Clean/dry the bowl you used earlier and put your dough ball back in. Brush both the dough and the inside of the bowl in oil then cover the top of it with clingfilm.
  7. Put the bowl into the fridge for 5 days to ferment and rise, this process gives the dough extra flavour.
  8. Once you’re ready, take the dough out of the fridge and place it on a surface which has flour on it. Cut the dough in half, you can now freeze one of the doughs for use another time. Preheat the oven on and set to the highest temperature, for example my oven only goes to 300 °C
  9. Lightly punch the middle of the dough which will move all the air to the sides and begin to push the edges out until you have a pizza base. You can now move the base to a pizza tray (Or paddle if you’re fancy!) as it’ll be difficult to move it again once you’ve topped it.
  10. Time to make the sauce! Empty the tin of tomatoes into a blender and add Italian Herbs (Be generous with these), Salt, Pepper, Garlic Granules, Onion Granules to the tomatoes before blending. The amount is your choice really, whatever you’re happy with. Blend and add a generous amount of Tomato Purée to thicken the sauce.
  11. Once you have your sauce, place some in the middle with a tablespoon and rub around the pizza base until it’s all coated (Not too much! Avoid the middle as it’ll be a gooey mess otherwise!)
  12. Dice up the mozzarella into cubes or grated and spread these over your pizza, don’t worry if it doesn’t look like a lot, it spreads well! Then sprinkle Italian Herbs over the whole pizza before adding any toppings you want.
  13. Put the pizza in the oven and keep a close eye on it, the pizza will cook a lot quicker than you think! Your eyes will be the best judge to know when it’s done. This usually takes 8-12 minutes for me. Take out, grate Parmesan Cheese over the top, serve and enjoy!
