Fox Kids

May 8, 2024

Like most kids in the UK in the 90s, I loved the TV channel Fox Kids because it had most of my favourite shows. In 1999, Fox Kids tried out an “XPress” gameshow which was hosted by presenters Roy and Lisa, and an opportunity to be on the show somehow came up. I applied, and to my surprise they actually called me up to ask if I wanted to be on the show. I had never really “won” anything as a kid, mostly because I was never very competitive so I was very hyped up.

I always thought these phone in sort of game shows were live, but these were in fact recorded months in advance. In hindsight as an adult, this was obvious due to the amount of production work involved. They asked me some basic information and what my favourite shows on Fox Kids were. I of course told them it was Spider-Man: The Animated Series (1994), to which they were delighted because they wanted to start coining the phrase “Who the man? Spider-Man!” more regularly on the show. So they asked me to reply with that when they asked “Who the man?” 😂

Thankfully this wasn’t live so we could record it, but we had absolutely no idea when it would air. My Dad would record hours worth of Fox Kids footage in hopes it’d catch my appearance, and thankfully he did! He pulled out this old VHS tape a few years ago and I converted it to MP4.

I’m pretty sure I already got the T-Shirt before it aired due to the production time, it looked pretty similar to this but I quickly grew out of it.

I never watched Eek! The Cat ever again after this because I was so mad at myself 😅



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