Favourite Foods

I am, unfortunately, a notoriously fussy eater. When I was a baby I was eating all sorts of fruit and veg, then one day I started spitting out my peas like bullets and became a full on carnivore. I have my lovely wife to thank for getting me out of being 100% fussy to a little less now, maybe 60-70%? I still have a long way to go and I’m sure this goofy list will evolve with time.

I tried to include as many of my own photos as possible but some are stock images.



Pink and Blues (Spogs)
Misc Places

DON’T HIT THE BACK BUTTON LOL. The stuff at the top of this list is mostly sweets/candy that I love 8D I used to get these all the time from my grandmother when I was little and they’re the best sweets on the planet, they’re basically liquorice covered in sugary bits. Fight me.


Goody Goody Gum Drops
Misc Places (New Zealand)

YEAH I KNOW. So this was a surprise to me. When I went to New Zealand when I was like 11ish I had this and oh my god, I wouldn’t shut up about it for years. I bet it’s not even that good but this was crack to me as a kid, couldn’t stop eating it.

… I even tried for multiple years to contact them to see if they could “ship it”… imagine trying to ship ice cream LOL

Click to enlarge :L


Misc Places

Man… you cannot beat a fresh warm scone covered in cream and jam. Again, my grandmother gave me these regularly (Although she just put a kilo of butter on each side rather than cream + jam). So good!


French Toast

My wife makes the best French toast, absolutely soaked in cinnamon and sugar. I’m a big fan of a burnt taste so having burnt edges is the best.


Shredded Duck, Pancakes and Fries
Chinese Delight

Lmao, every time I go to a Chinese I end up getting the most ridiculous things. They come out, rip the duck to shreds in front of you and give you pancakes to put it in… what more do you need? Oh, that’s right, CHIPS >:D


Simonis Aan Zee

The Dutch do really good fish and chips. This is battered fish, I have no idea what type of fish it is, but it’s really good. It’s super popular over there and is often a street food too. Very distinct flavour =D


Tomato Soup and Cheese Butties

Although this says homemade^ it’s just Heinz/Lidl soup cooked in a microwave/pan with some white bread and cheese. That’s really all there is to it and it always makes me happy eating it. The key to a good “BUTTIE” is Cheshire cheese.


Pannenkoeken / Poffertjes
Will’s Pancakehouse

My wife quickly introduced me to two different but also kinda similar dishes when I visited the Netherlands, and they’re both so good. Poffertjes are like small pancakes, covered in powdered sugar, often with KNOBS of butter. Pannenkoeken translates to Pancakes, but they’re usually more savoury with things like ham, cheese, speck/bacon… anything you want really.



Meat wrapped in bread covered in cheese. Yes please. My wife makes amazing Enchiladas.


Crème Brûlée
Kassap Meat House

I was never a huge fan of this to be honest until recently when I went to Kassap Meat House in Liverpool. I had only eaten store bought shit before, and having a proper one blew me away. Best dessert on the planet, by far.


Baked Spaghetti
Katerina Traditional Greek Restaurant

OH BOY, if you’re ever in Crete, visit the Katerina Traditional Greek Restaurant. This was probably one of the best restaurants I’ve ever been to. The atmosphere was incredibly chill, the owner George (Yes I still remember his name even 10 years later) was very very friendly and welcoming… and you may even be serenaded with some amazing Greek music while you eat by the owner himself. I had a lot of different dishes here but the baked spaghetti will always live in my heart. It’s basically minced meat, tomato sauce, amazing spices/herbs, spaghetti and a huge layer of cheese. Basically a weird small lasagne in a dish.

I really want to go back someday.


Lahmacun (Turkish Pizza) Wrap
Misc Places

Everyone has to eat this, I don’t even know what goes on a Turkish pizza, but it tastes incredible. I first had this in the Netherlands and couldn’t stop eating them LOL. I usually get this filled with pork and cheese… Next level kebab.


Korean Spare Ribs
Ban Di Bul

Really surprised I liked these so much, sticky Korean spare ribs are incredible. My wife had to deal with me talking about these for a week after we went LOL.


Tandoori Mixed Grill
Misc Places

I get this every single damn time I go to an Indian and I don’t care. It comes out on a sizzling platter and it’s basically a big pile of different meats in Tandoori … sauce? It’s so good, it’s baked in a really specific type of clay oven if I recall which makes the meat fall apart. Rice, keema naan and a curry to dip your meat in. Get in my belllaaay.


Porterhouse Steak
Vaca Negra Steak & Grill

There’s nothing worse than going to a steak restaurant and walking out thinking “I could’ve made that at home”. But when you get a good one… ugh… it’s so good. When me and my wife went to Vaca in Zwolle, it was the best steak I’ve ever eaten by far. I always try and get the biggest steak on the menu if it’s a good steakhouse, and this blew me away. So good! Garlic butter + chilli flakes :L heaven.


Fish and Chips
The Chippy

If you scrolled down quickly not reading anything, you probably stopped here and thought “Wtf is that?” and I can’t blame you. This is traditional Fish and Chips and this is what it’s meant to look like. It looks like the chips have a terminal illness, but they taste INCREDIBLE. The fish is usually very crunchy on the outside and flaky soft on the inside. Literally drooling right now describing this btw LOL. Gotta have a pot of curry sauce with that for dipping.


Spaghetti Bolognese

My Dad always makes the best spaghetti Bolognese. He spends all day cooking the meat and when it’s done, good lord… next level. He doesn’t really cook it much these days but this always removed my velcro’d hairy back from my gaming chair as a teenager and got my downstairs ready for good early.


Sunday Dinner / Christmas Dinner

So I don’t really have a traditional Sunday roast/dinner, mostly because I’m a meat and potatoes sort of guy as you can see below. My Mum makes the best roasties, she cooks the meat to perfection and she drowns the pigs in blankets in the best thickest gravy ever. Love this!



The top 3 are so interchangeable depending on my mood, and when I eat this I’m always so happy. My wife spends a lot of care and attention catering to my likes, which I absolutely love her for, but she also pushes me to try new foods and ingredients. Her lasagne is next level and I usually gorge myself on it. The best part about lasagne is that it’s even better the next day =D


Steak Pie

So I’ve spoke about my grandmother a couple of times on this page, but this one comes from my OTHER grandmother =D for as long as I can remember, she’d make us steak pies every so often and I’d absolutely love it every time. Before she passed, she told my Mum how to make it and every now and then I’ll randomly get told that “Steak pie is ready!”. I always ask her to make it extra messy so there’s gravy all over the place, extra crunchy bitssss. The best thing she puts into these is extra black pepper, makes the world of difference and makes it a little spicy. SO. GOOD.


Andolini’s Pizzeria

Pizza in general is one of my favourite things ever. I love everything about the process of making a good pizza, it’s such a science. This pizza from the picture alone didn’t really have much right to be a god tier pizza, but it really was. I would love to go back to Andolini’s someday and have this again. It was HUGE, easily the biggest pizza I’ve ever seen in my life and it fed 4 hungry bois for 2 days. Really top tier ingredients, very heavy, very meaty and also a really fluffy crust. 10/10. Why am I torturing myself writing this/looking at this T_T