

The original design I created for was back in 2013 when I was experimenting with different colours and shapes. I felt like it was time for a change and make the website feel a lot more personal. I wanted to move away from offering services to just presenting the stuff I’m proud of.



The actual design for v2 came from me making this logo, which started off as me getting bored of my old avatar. I decided to use my favourite colours and make something completely random, abstract, cool and professional.. and to me at least it ticked the boxes!

Website Design

As mentioned on the Welcome section, I kept making slight adjustments to the website as somewhat of a hobby for at least 5-6 years. The original intention was for selling services (Websites/Logos/Branding) and when I moved away from this I considered making it a blog. When I realised I’m not all that interesting, I thought I’d make a Portfolio and keep it as a fun project 🙂

I wanted the website to stick out, be bold and in your face.. so after I settled on having this as a personal space where I could show off the stuff I’m most proud of, I started using my favourite colours in their most boldest form.

Overall it didn’t take me too long as I had already completed most of the framework in v1.





