

If you're reading this then you're either here accidentally, or you're curious about my services/projects so hopefully it's the latter!

Still here? Alright, I am Si, 25, from England and I currently work in a high school as an IT Technician. At the moment I am doing a lot of things outside of that realm such as the services I am offering on this website including photo restoration, coding, web/logo design and document branding.

I have been using Adobe Photoshop for over 10 years now and I've got to the point where I believe I can create anything if given a reasonable amount of time, I am especially decent with logo design and photograph editing.

Creating websites is something I have been doing since I was very young. I still have my "James Bond: GoldenEye" fan website stored away on a hard drive that I created when I was only 7 years old. Web design is something I enjoy a lot, and I am always learning something new every day due to the vastness of the coding world.

Aspirations for the future definitely involve learning more about other coding languages so that I can broaden my horizons and services. Personally, I would also like to get to the point where I can be a part time writer, although that may take more practice.

Thanks for visiting the website, if you have any questions about anything I'm working on/have worked on or are interested in using my services then feel free to contact me.

-- Si